5JAN91 Info on First Release of "COMPUTER-TECH" Soft Font for the Hewlett-Packard (R) DeskJet Printer (and LASERJet): -This file is formally being released as SHAREWARE (as opposed to SHELFware, I expect SOMEone will use this). If you use this program, and like it, it would please me no end if you would remit the paltry sum of $5.00 to the address shown at the end of this file. Just try and buy anything useful for computers these days for $5.00; this is really a bargain, and besides, I may do something else like this if I get any positive (i.e.- cash) feedback. -INFO on TECH-10P.DJP (USP) Font name: COMPUTER-TECH -DeskJet font Orientation: portrait Height: 9.9 points Style: Upright Weight: 0 (normal) # Characters: 94 (ASCII) Symbol set: 21 (US ASCII) Spacing: proportional with a 2.65 point space Type face: 5 (Roman-Times) Baseline: 35, Cell Height: 54, Cell Width: 78 (in dots) Serif Style: Sans Serif Square (not set?) Print Quality: Letter Quality First char: 33 [!], Last char: 126 [~]: ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ ` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~ -My rationale for doing this is simple, I've always thought this typeface was pretty neat, having seen it used extensively over the years in B-grade Science Fiction Flicks, Science Fiction Novel and magazine covers, once I owned a printer capable of using multiple fonts, I started looking for this Font in my (dwindling) spare time. Mostly I scoured the Forums in Compu- Serve Information Service, but with no luck. Armed with FONTEDIT, however, I was able to put this together in a computer-hobbyist's overnight binge of coffee and M&M's (old study habits die hard); sleep deprivation's nothing new. So here 'tis. I like it. Let me know what you think of the Font (personal attacks, slander and such should be kept to a minimum, please). -Included in this package are the following: 1. TECH-10P.TXT: This file 2. TECH-10P.USP: The "Computer-Tech" Font for LASER Printers, a Ten-Point Portrait Font, with 94 ASCII Characters. (I know this will work on Hewlett-Packard and other compatible printers). 3. TECH-10P.DJP: The Same Font for DeskJet Printers (I use a DeskJet 500, but as far as I know this'll work for the Plain DeskJet, and the DJ-Plus (let me know otherwise). 5. No Bugs, No Viruses, to the best of my knowledge. TO USE THIS FONT, you'll need a downloader utility (I recommend Gary Elfring's "TSR Download" program), and for the DeskJet Printers, at least a 128k RAM Cartridge for downloading Soft Fonts. _________________________________________________________________ Thanks and formal acknowledgements to: -Phil Katz, whose version of PKZIP 1.01 (I'll register, I promise, real soon) was used to compress this mess. -Gary Elfring, whose program "FONTINFO" was used extensively in the development of this font package (yes, this is registered). -John G.Derrickson, maker of FONTEDIT v5.7, the program used to make this font (also registered... the check's in the mail, John). -Neil W. Taylor and the TAXWARE people, of Provo, UT, whose program LJ2DJ allowed me to convert the LaserJet output from FONTEDIT to a useful (by me) DeskJet file. -My wife and friend, Elizabeth, whose tolerance for my career in Army Medicine, and my hobbies of Computers, Motorcycles, and Guns is always above and beyond the call of duty. Norman M. Balog 531 Wayland Court, Claremont, CA 91711-5047. Comments, questions, gripes, favourable reviews can be sent to me via Easyplex on CompuServe Information Service #73710,3615. NOTICE OF WARRANTY AND DISCLAIMER: This collection of files, is not in any way shape or form designed to direct operation of a computer or printer; they all require intelligent handling of non-autonomous machines. In other words, used as directed, there is no EXPRESS or IMPLIED WARRANTY of any kind pertaining to the files TECH-10P.USP, TECH-10P.DJP, TECH-10P.TXT, or SAMPLER.TXT. No attempt is made in the issuance of these files to change anyone's lives in any manner, except where the express intent is to entertain and make a few bucks out of an otherwise costly hobby. There are no hidden Satanic messages of any kind contained in the symbols this program displays. Misuse of this collection of files in any way will cause your KARMA to turn to shit. THIS IS SHAREWARE, AND CUSTOM DICTATES IF YOU USE THIS FILE FOR LONGER THAN A SPECIFIED PERIOD OF TIME OR USAGE LIMIT (3 HOURS OR 3 PAGES OF OUTPUT INTENDED FOR FURTHER TRANSMISSION, WHICHEVER COMES FIRST) THAT YOU SEND THE AUTHOR A TOKEN OF YOUR APPRECIATION (IN THIS CASE A SMALL NOTE FROM THE UNITED STATE'S TREASURY WITH ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S LIKENESS IMPRINTED ALONG WITH THE NUMBER "FIVE"), FAILURE TO DO SO WILL CAUSE YOU TO BECOME A BAD PERSON. -END-